Me, Myself, and the Mirror You walk into the dark, quiet yoga room hoping to relax--to check your worries at the door and not have to deal with things for a period of time. The lights gradually turn on; you hear your teacher’s voice. You stand up and BAM! there you are--reflected in the mirror, staring at yourself. April 13, 2012 By Ray Child Hot Yoga accept your body, confidence, dallas hot yoga, mirrors, visual change 0 Comment Read More >>
How to Be a Good Student Dear Student, It is an honor and privilege to guide you through your practice each day you’re in my class. Teachers do not exist without students. It is through you that I am able to refine my craft. My hope is that every time you leave the studio you feel fulfilled, in a different mindset than you entered and empowered with more knowledge about yourself and your practice. March 26, 2012 By Ray Child Hot Yoga accept your body, dallas hot yoga, good yoga student, mindfulness, yoga etiquette 1 Comment Read More >>
Preventing Injury: Accept Your Body “Set your intention before you begin, and accept where your body is in your practice today.” If you regularly attend Sunstone Yoga, you know we consistently tell you to listen to your body and honor it. Do you truly hear those words . . . and do you listen? Accepting where your body is each day--whether you are attending a Fire class, walking up stairs, or just bringing in the groceries --is key to preventing injury. March 19, 2012 By Ray Child Hot Yoga accept your body, body mind life, dallas hot yoga, mindfulness, prevent injury 1 Comment Read More >>