
Dallas Hot Yoga, Pilates, Barre & Fitness

Dallas Hot Yoga, Pilates, Barre & Fitness

Brandon Hartsell Brandon Hartsell May 17, 2020

Classes Resume

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Thank you for supporting our Sunstone community. Tomorrow, Monday, May 18th, we are resuming classes in the studio. Without committed community members like yourself, this would not be possible.

*** Thank you! ***

Rebuilding our community is going to take some time and cooperation as we navigate Covid-19 together. During the lockdown, your Sunstone Team members have been working hard to adapt to our new situation. Here is a sampling of the things we have been doing:

  • We live streamed over 440 classes. Many of those are now in our Video on Demand library, with more coming, and new content on the way. As a member you can login to our website and find those videos here:
  • “Flex Signature” & “Flex Premier”: We are excited to offer new more flexible membership options to server and rebuild our community. You can read more about those option here:
  • Your current membership is a legacy membership and still valid. Regardless of type of legacy membership you have, it has the perk of having the ability to make a reservation 6 days and 22 hours in advance. You can read all about reservations (which we ask all members to use)  in our Knowledge Base:
  • We built this reservation system from scratch to accommodate safety and government requirements limiting occupancy and providing for spacing. You can login and make a reservation here:
  • We built a new login system that allows you to more easily find your account and reset your password. If we have your email or mobile number in our system you should be able to self-serve in getting logged into our website to make reservations and view Videos.
  • We built a new ‘My Account” page that you can access once you have logged in. You can access it here:
    • You can easily update your contact information.
    • Change your email and password
    • Update payment information
    • See membership details, class history, billing history, registration history and more.
    • You can also manage your membership.
  • During the lockdown your instructors and customer care did hundreds of hours of remote training together to stay fresh and ready for new procedures.
    • You can read all about our Covid-19 procedures  and learn more about how we are working hard to create a safe, socially distanced, and contactless environment here:
    • Face Coverings are required until you get to your position in the room.
    • Doors will open 15 min before class to allow for additional ventilation and cleaning between classes.
    • And more, please take the time to read through these procedures so you are not surprised!
  • Everyone has learned a ton about doing online education and learning. We have great online Teacher Training options that you can learn about here:

We hope you will find the work we have done in the last 60 days to be an appropriate starting point to build our future together. Covid-19 has created a vast number of challenges for us that are far from behind us but we believe we are headed in the right direction.

We are going to keep a quantity of options on the schedule so that class size is manageable and your options are increased. You will find Audio Guided class options that fill in the gaps where live classes are not currently feasible for our teaching community’s capacity.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone again. We ask for your patience but also your feedback as we progress.

Thank you for your loyalty and support!

Brandon Hartsell

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